The previously requested CA import to the keystore causes a frequent keytool error: : Failed to establish chain from reply error. Keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias test -file test.txt -keystore test.jks Error: Failed to establish chain from reply This means that certificates are imported in "reverse order" - from root to server. Keystore requires that the certificate be trusted and the issuing authority is already present in the keystore when importing certificates.

You will receive an issued certificate from SSLmarket by e-mail and must be sent to the keystore. Then just wait for the certificate to be issued. If you omit it, the CSR will be displayed in the terminal and you can copy it directly to our order. The -file test.csr parameter is used to output the CSR to a file. You entered the requester details when you created the key pair in the previous step, so the keytool no longer asks for them. Keytool -certreq -alias test -keystore test.jks -file test.csr To create a CSR, use the following command: Is CN=Test Test, OU=Unit, O=Test corp., L=Some City, ST=Some State, C=US correct?

#Keystore explorer certificate chain code#
What is the two-letter country code for this unit? What is the name of your State or Province? What is the name of your City or Locality? What is the name of your organizational unit? The entered data will match those in the CSR: You will then be prompted to enter the keystore password and specify it. Keytool -genkey -alias test -keyalg RSA -keystore test.jks -keysize 3072 This command creates a new keystore and key pair that you use to create the certificate request.

Common name is then the name of your organization. Notice: Creating a CSR for Code Signing is the same as for a server certificate.